Python 203 - Python for Data Sciences (PDS) - Lab Topology
Lab Topology
- Lab 01 - Using vim
- Lab 02 - Making and Syncing a Github account
- Lab 03 - Using Jupyter Notebook
- Lab 04 - Working with Local FIles
- Lab 04 - Pandas DataFrames
- Lab 05 - CSV to DataFrames
- Lab 06 - Excel to DataFrames
- Lab 06 - Numpy Array
- Lab 07 - Requests and APIs
- Lab 08 - Getting JSON from RESTful APIs
- Lab 09 - Matplotlib and Line Plots
- Lab 10 - Matplotlib and Histograms
- Lab 11 - Matplotlib and Pie Charts
- Lab 12 - Matplotlib and Scatter Plots
- Lab 13 - Matplotlib and Bubble Plots
- Lab 14 - Matplotlib and Bar Charts
- Lab 15 - Seaborn and Relational Visualizations
- Lab 16 - Seaborn and Categorical Visualizations
- Lab 17 - Seaborn and Distributions
- Lab 18 - Seaborn and Regression Models
- Lab 19 - Folium and Leaflet Maps
- Lab 20 - Filtering SQL
- Lab 21 - Ordering SQL
- Lab 22 - Querying SQL with Pandas
- Lab 23 - Querying MongoDB with pymongo
- Lab 24 - Pymongo Find, Delete, Update, Limit
- Lab 25 - Scipy and numerical integration
- Lab 26 - Scipy and linear algebra
- Lab 27 - Scipy and statistics
- Lab 28 - Scikit-learn and machine learning
- Lab 29 - Training vs Testing sets
- Lab 30 - Scikitlearn and supervised learning
- Lab 31 - Scikitlearn and unsupervised learning
- Lab 32 - Pushing data to real time dashboard APIs
- Lab 33 - Moving data with SFTP
- Lab 34 - Emailing with Attachments