E-Book Courseware

Fast Lane offers you the courseware from Cisco, NetApp and Microsoft in digital form as an E-book. To make it easier for you, we have summarized the most important information of the respective manufacturers for you below. For further information about the E-books, please contact us at 1-855-77-TRAIN (8-7246) or by email Operations@FastLaneUS.com.
Please check the system requirements thoroughly. Once your code is entered, the ekit is considered delivered, even if the document cannot be displayed.
Fast Lane offers digital ebook courseware for CompTIA to make it more convenient for you to study the way you see most fit.
Please see directions below on how to access your CompTIA ebook courseware.
Fast Lane offers digital ebook courseware for NetApp to make it more convenient for you to study the way you see most fit. Please see directions below on how to access your NetApp ebook courseware.
Fast Lane has partnered with SUSE to offer their training curriculum. Known for their outstanding Enterprise Linux software, SUSE provides the technology that powers the cloud – public, private and hybrid.
The course materials for MOC-classes (Microsoft Official Curriculum) will be provided as a digital eKit. The student will receive a separate email with the activation code and further information on how to redeem the code up to 7 days before the start of class, or by clicking Learn more and following the activation steps upon receipt of your activation code.
When you have redeemed your license code your eBook will be available for 730 days online and perpetual if downloaded to a computer or mobile device.
Fast Lane
Fast Lane offers digital ebook courseware for its exclusively developed courses. Find out how to download and access your materials below.
VMware classes are delivered using electronic books only. You will receive a redemption code with instructions on how to download the eBook no later than 3 days before the class is scheduled to start. All courseware is managed through a student’s MyLearn account.
This license code enables you to access your course materials across five platforms. The recommended platform is the Workstation which allows you to easily access the full range of eBook features. The Workstation platform does require you to download the VitalSource Bookshelf application to your computer.